Wednesday, September 28, 2011

[F] Victorian house p2

     She closed the door and walked quicker to the next one. She turned and pulled on the doorknob but it wouldnt open. She noticed that the handle on this door was different from the rest. This one was crystal and looked in pristine condition. The other handles were a dull brassy metal, many with dents in them. She felt the keyhole beneath it and wondered why this door was the only one that locked successfully. All the other rooms in the house had locks but they all were taken out. She was curious to what was in that room. She'd have to find  the skeleton key that worked for that door but she didnt know where she could find it. She let the idea pass and continued her search for the box.

     She opened her parents room and searched along the walls, finding nothing. She decided to check their closet and as she opened the door, something fell on top of her. She gasped and held her breath. It was just her fathers coat. She shined her light inside the closet and found the silver box on the side. Thank god. She let out a sigh of relief. As she opened it she pushed all the switches that were off to the top of the board. The box creaked and she heard the generator downstairs roar. She put away her phone and closed the lid. She felt her heart rate slow down and she shut her parents door.

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