Tuesday, September 13, 2011

[RE] High school growth

As well as Justin, Amirs post stood out among the others.
So i guess what i was getting at with this is that people need to deal with their lives, have some comfort with who they are, and make some sense of themselves. Thats putting it as simple as possible because that changes everyday and life changes everyday.

Going into high school as freshmen, most of us wanted to fit in, did we not? We all wanted to feel accepted in high school seeing as it was a big change from what we came from before. A lot of us dressed the way others dressed or tried to be friends with the 'popular' people in school. "If you're friends with seniors you're cool" is what I heard in the hallways a couple days ago. People want to be friends with the upperclassmen for what reason? Do they think it's going to make their reputation better? We were all so different freshman year, and it's interesting to think about how people have grown over the course of our high school careers. I know I've changed a tremendous amount. Not just appearance wise but I've grown so much mentally. First entering high school, I dont think a lot of us were comfortable with who we were. We were still figuring out what was going on and still getting comfortable with the transition from middle school to high school.
I know I knew a lot of people who didn't live for themselves, and they lived to please others. Every year I think back about how I was in the previous grades as well how my friends were. During the summer after junior year to now, I know I’ve changed a lot. I’ve learned to not care about what people think of me and to do me. Junior year I didn’t really care what people thought of me, but now looking at the new freshman trying so hard to look cool with their overdressed outfits, I’ve realized how much high school changes you. I know that the freshmen this year are going to look back and think the same. How much they weren’t themselves to look cool and fit in. I’m now as comfortable as I can get in my own skin. I’ve accepted everything about myself and I understand myself more. Life does change every day and every day is a new experience.

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