Wednesday, September 21, 2011

[RE] Drunk driving

Her hands were so badly burned that all of her fingers had to be amputated. She lost her hair, her ears, her nose, her left eyelid and much of her vision. She has had more than 50 operations since the crash and has many more to go.
This post from Alyssas blog really caught my eye. Over the summer me and one of my best friends got in a car with a drunk driver, very stupid, I know. But it was possibly one of the most scariest thing I've ever experienced. We were on webster and I live on the completely opposite side of alameda on high street. Our driver drove 65 miles per hour down encinal running almost all the red lights and all of the stop signs. My friend and I were scared shitless. I dont know how many times we told her to slow down. The driver wouldnt let us out of the car, nor would slow down. She was also too busy trying to find a good radio station instead of focusing on the fucking road. I was shaking in the front seat and I could hear my friend in the back whimpering from fright.

Countless pleas later, she still didnt listen. As we were about to turn on high street, a cop pulled us over. Turns out he had been following us all the way from tapex. I honestly was glad that she got pulled over. Serves her dumbass right. How dare she put us all in jeopardy like that. Drunk driving is not something you should joke about. That excperience changed my views on a lot of things. When my friend and I got home, we sat down and had a three hour talk about how much our lives mean to us and how thankful we were to be alive.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god. I would have been so terrified. Sounds like you and your friend "saw the light" though, as a result. Strange, the effects that life-threatening situations can have on people. I'm not sure I've ever been in a situation this dangerous myself, but I can easily imagine that it puts mortality into a fresh and immediate perspective. Glad you were unhurt.
