Thursday, September 22, 2011

[CE] US lifts ban on gay soldiers

US lifts ban on gay soldiers

In December of last year, Obama signed a legislation to repeal the policy known as "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," which had been passed by Congress and signed into law in 1993 under then-President Bill Clinton. A Pentagon spokesperson said that it wasnt a surprise that this was repealed. I think its great that society's more accepting now than it was in the past. I think that the dont ask, dont tell policy was quite unnecessary because gay or not, they're fighting for our country. No one should have to hide apart of their lives to give their own lives to our country. The nation should be accepting for they're doing something to help all of us.

I think that the dont ask, dont tell policy should have been repealed years ago but our society wasn't as accepting. It took so long to finally let gay couples get married, I'm glad they took down dont ask, dont tell. In our modern day society people are more open with being gay. In the bay area, it's especially accepting. This possibly will open more doors for the gay community. Hopefully in the next couple years we will have most states allowing gay marriage. We should all be treated equally. It's nice to see how in a decade we've changed so much about what we think. We need to be more accepting, I think. Everyone should be completely equal. Hopefully that will happen in our time, but right now it's good to work on what we have

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