Wednesday, September 14, 2011

[CE] Bomb threats on 9/11's ten year anniversary

This picture was taken from the article: Bomb threat puts US on alert

The first thing that caught my eye was the officer carrying an M4, if thats what it is. How would you react if you were walking out of the subway and you see this officer surveying the area. I would freak the fuck out and think that there was someone really dangerous in the subway or around the area. But I dont think that they could have done anything else but put those officers around town if there was a bomb threat, it would just be really frightening to see an officer like this.

A US official said that the same people who carried out the deadly attacks in 2001might have sent americans or men carrying US travel documents to launch another attack on the ten year anniversary.The attackers were reportedly told to cause as much destruction as they could, but US intelligence officials said they had no evidence there was anyone inside the country tied to the plot.

I think that since we were all so young when the attacks in 2001 happened, we can't really relate too much back to it. We were all in first or second grade and didn't know what was happening, but knew that it was something big. None of us could really wrap our brains around the thought of more than 3000 people dying, nor I dont think that many of us knew what a terrorist was. I think that if this bomb threat was real and it did go off, we would all be really devastated, and we would somewhat understand all the chaos that happened ten years ago.

1 comment:

  1. To be honest the whole bomb threat scare 9/11 anniversary thing annoyed me. A lot. I have yet to read a piece of evidence that would justify the, for lack of a better word, hysteria that ensued the broadcasting of the anniversary bomb threat!
    9/11 was terrible, but I see it as little more than a tool which the media uses to manipulate our hearts and minds anymore.
