Tuesday, September 13, 2011

[BC] About Akelaaa

I grew up in San Jose with my grandpa as well as my family in Mountain View until I was eight. I attended Summerdale Elementary school while I was in San Jose til third grade when I moved to Oakland to go to Saint Paschals. It was hard transferring to a new school especially at such a young age and having to leave all my friends behind. It took awhile to adjust to the new environment seeing as it was a Catholic school. I wasn't used to wearing a uniform nor attending mass every week seeing as my parents weren't religious. In fourth grade my parents decided to enroll me in Otis Elementary school in Alameda and in the same year we moved into town. Since then I've gone to Lincoln middle school and made my transition into Alameda High.

Growing up I would always play catch with my uncles and aunts which resulted in enrolling me into tball at a young age. In fourth grade my parents enrolled me into Alameda Girls Softball Association and I stayed from then on I stayed until seventh grade. I participated in the competitive summer travel team and the next year played for an A softball team for 16 and under. During my first summer of travel softball I tore a tendon in my right knee preventing me from being able to run normally without constant pain. Sophomore year of high school I enrolled myself in rugby because a lot of my friends who played said they enjoyed it. Though I very much enjoyed the season of rugby, I got two concussions as well as re-injured my knee preventing me from playing in the following seasons.

I love writing my own music whether it's on guitar or piano as well as writing the lyrics. Writing songs is a way for me to vent because I can write about whatevers on my mind. I dont have to share it with anyone if I dont want to, or I can share it with whomever I choose. I love writing for myself knowing that every word is something that I've been through in life. Music, like a lot of people, helps calm me down and puts me in a better mood. I feel at peace when I'm alone listening to music. I also like to analyze the song and think about how it was put together; what instruments were used and what chords or notes were in certain parts of the song.

After high school I'd like to go to culinary school and get my Associates Degree in culinary arts and my Bachelors Degree in baking & pastry and food management. Since middle school I've wanted to be a baker and make cakes like in the tv shows. I'm hoping to go to Le Cordon Bleu in Pasadena, CA to get my Associates Degree. After, or even during, my Bachelors I'd like to open up my own cafe and bakery. I  want my place to have a full bakery as well as a cafe so that you can order cakes as well as small pastries.

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