Thursday, September 22, 2011

[F] Goats, sheep, and chickens belong on the farm, not in the middle of New York.

Goats, sheep, and chickens belong on the farm, not in the middle of New York.

Sorry Chris, I dont know what else to write.

I think holding onto someone can make you think that things are still okay. It hides the fact that things have changed and not everythings okay. Holding on can hurt you, but also make you feel happier for just a little while longer. Some things have to change to make things better. Even if you dont think so at the time. Everything happens for a reason. If things need to happen, they will fall in place later in life. Especially if it means breaking up with someone. Just because things dont work out now doesnt mean they wont ever. Some things just need to sit and sorted out. Some people need their own space to do them. You need to be selfish sometimes. Dont always focus on other people. Make yourself happy once in awhile.

Sometimes you just have to be sad for awhile to realize how much you have in your life. You learn to appreciate more things when you're upset. You see things differently and sometimes understand things better. I think everyone needs to open their eyes more to the world around them. Things will change. Even if you dont think they will, things will always change, and hopefully for the better. Some things are just too hard to understand in the moment. You dont want to think things are real.

1 comment:

  1. I am so confused by this...What the heck is going on with these goats and chickens?
