Wednesday, October 19, 2011

[RE] Being remembered

I was reading through blogs and I can definitely understand what Frank is saying.
Being remembered. Has anyone ever wondered what people will say when theyare gone? I know that I have wondered if i have lived my life so far in a waythat has impacted others lives in a good way.
 I always want to be remembered. I want to have an impact on those around me. What would happen if you just dropped off the face of the earth? Have you thought about that? Would you leave in a good positive way, or would people be thankful that you're gone. I want to always leave with a positive note. On anything that I choose to do. And it's not even just about death. If you lose a friend, what would someone say once you're out of their lives. Would they say good things about you or tell things that are unappealing to hear. They may even make up things about you to sound like a lower person.

This is also the case for relationships. Have you ever wondered what the other would say if you break up? What they'll talk about you to others who question. Would they say nasty things about you or look on the positive side of things. I never want to leave someone and have negative impact on them. Either in a relationship, or friendship. I dont want to leave a relationship with hatred and negativity. I dont want them to say bad things about me when I'm gone. I want to have a positive impact on them. Even when I'm gone, I want to know that I made a difference in their lives. I want to know that I'm making a difference.

[F] Own up

I hate that not a lot of people like to confront people. Or just tell people things straight up. If you're arguing about something, or something isn't working, you need to tell them your feelings instead of bottleing them up inside. I hate when people say "I dont like to cry. It shows that I'm weak" That's complete bullshit. Honestly, dont ever say that to me. You should never keep your feelings inside. That's a terrible way to deal with your problems. One should never think that crying is a sign of weakness or failure. Or not even crying. Just expressing how you feel. I hate when I tell someone about how I'm feeling and I get nothing back. Conversations go two ways. It would be nice to know how the other person's feeling. It would benefit the whole cause.

If you dont want to talk about something, it's not going to fix anything. It could even make it worse. You need to have communication with someone. Either if it's friendship or a relationship. Communication is key to having a successful relationship with anyone. Dont just expect things to fix itself over time. That rarely happens. And why would you even want to do that in the first place. Why would you want to sit back and watch something happen, not knowing the outcome. Always take things into your own hands. Dont expect things to be handed to you. This is the real fucking world. Deal with things in a mature way.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

[CE] Philippines reels in second typhoons wake

First, let me say that I hate doing current event posts. Least favorite.

Philippines reels in second typhoons wake

Reading things like this makes me upset. Things that happen in the Philippines. Or just anywhere in general, but I can relate to this more. In the article it stated that rescue workers were struggling to evacuate tens of thousands of people trapped in their homes from floods from the aftermath of Typhoon Nalgae. Public buildings including churches, schools and offices were used to accommodate people seeking higher ground. But some residents were hesitant to leave their homes, fearing looting.

This actually effects me a lot more than it should because those are my people. Many people dont know that I'm 75% Filipino and that a lot of my family resides in the Philippines. I've been their many times and have lived the way they lived. It's scary to know that I know exactly what it would look like there right now, seeing as I've been to the Philippines. I know how run down a lot of the islands are. And that this is happening, it could take all their lives work with it. It could totally destroy everything they have.

I feel people here america do take things for granted. They dont realize how much other countries have to go through. Especially small islands off the coast that get hit by hurricanes and typhoons. We dont experience that here, but if that happened to us, it would be completely devastating.

[RE] Something new

People always change and while they are changing they become something new. So who knows what can happen in one year. We meet new people, we experience new things and we just go on with our life.
This quote from Luki's blog really stood out to me and gave me chills because this is so true.

People will always change. If it's really know, or even if its so gradually you dont really notice it. Even if you dont want to change, or dont want someone else to change. Change is inevitable. Nothing will ever be the same. No one will ever be the same. Maybe very close like it, but never the same. When someone changes, they become something new. Sometimes even something they swore they'd never become. You may change into something you never wanted for yourself. Sometimes you just cant help it. You just need to let it happen.

Sometimes I wish change wasn't so important in life. Sometimes I wish things and people would just stay the same, so our feelings would always stay constant. But what challenge would that be? So many different  things could happen in a year. Maybe something truly devastating, or something that's made you completely happy. In a year I, myself have changed. The people in it have changed. My surroundings have changed. Everything has. I've met people that I didn't think would ever been as important as they are to me now. I've lost a lot of friends in the process of being in a long relationship, but they were never really close friends if they left, were they?

A lot of people think of change as a bad thing. But I promise you, sometimes it's not. Sometimes it brings you so much joy and happiness. I wish that for you all.

[F] Change

This past week and a half have been so fucking crazy. It's been a whirlwind of emotions, good and bad. Although what happened was really upsetting to both me and my boyfriend, it made us both stronger as people and as a couple. I think from this point on, we'll understand each other more and we'll be able to get through a lot more situations in the future. I also think that we appreciate each other more and realized that we could lose each other. It really opened our eyes. Although many high school relationships dont last very long at all, some from weeks to a month or two, I think it is possible to have a strong high school relationship. Even after leaving high school and starting your life in the 'adult' world. Many take for granted what they have. My boyfriend was a senior when I was a sophomore so going into junior year, I didnt see him everyday like I did sophomore year and over the summer. I think that was a hard transition for me. A lot of people take that for granted. The time spent with their loved ones.

Through our relationship I've changed significantly. Those close to me can really tell the difference in all aspects of my life, and even those who aren't, they still agree that I've changed. Everyone changes in the course of a year and a half, of course, but my whole lifestyle changed. The way I acted, my perspective on things and my feelings dramatically changed. It's scary how much one person can change you so much in the short amount of time given.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

[F] Victorian house p2

     She closed the door and walked quicker to the next one. She turned and pulled on the doorknob but it wouldnt open. She noticed that the handle on this door was different from the rest. This one was crystal and looked in pristine condition. The other handles were a dull brassy metal, many with dents in them. She felt the keyhole beneath it and wondered why this door was the only one that locked successfully. All the other rooms in the house had locks but they all were taken out. She was curious to what was in that room. She'd have to find  the skeleton key that worked for that door but she didnt know where she could find it. She let the idea pass and continued her search for the box.

     She opened her parents room and searched along the walls, finding nothing. She decided to check their closet and as she opened the door, something fell on top of her. She gasped and held her breath. It was just her fathers coat. She shined her light inside the closet and found the silver box on the side. Thank god. She let out a sigh of relief. As she opened it she pushed all the switches that were off to the top of the board. The box creaked and she heard the generator downstairs roar. She put away her phone and closed the lid. She felt her heart rate slow down and she shut her parents door.

[BC] Victorian house

     "What just happened?" she thought as the lights flickered out in the kitchen. The big, empty Victorian house was silent. She was home alone. Her parents had gone out for the weekend; on some trip down south or something. It wasn't something that she really cared about, she just wanted to be alone. But alone in the creepy old Victorian house she has yet to get used to. There was so much space she felt as if there were things tucked away in the dark corners of the house that she didnt notice. Things that were watching her from a distance. Sarah knew she had to find the electric box to turn all the lights back on but she had no clue where to start looking. The house was pitch black. She could barely see what was surrounding her. Lining the perimeter of the house were several huge tall trees blocking any possible light from entering. Many were so tall and old that they began to lean onto the side of the house and when there was a breeze, the branches would scratch at the windows.

     Sarah had no clue where her mother put the flashlights so she pulled out her phone to try to provide a little light. She finished unpacking the previous day so there were still empty boxes scattered across the floor in the hallways that she continuously tripped over. The light from her phone barely emanated a foot in front of her. She carefully maneuvered through the dark searching for the metal box on the wall. She would rather not explore her house, but unless she wanted to live in darkness until her parents had come back, she was forced to continue searching. She opened doors slowly and kept a great distance before checking what was inside of them. After searching the first floor she went up the mahogany staircase in the front of the house, wood creaking beneath her. The branches shook the big stained glass windows at the top of the staircase which made her jump in her skin. There was nothing to be afraid of she told herself.

     As she walked down the long dark hallway she got a waft of must which gave her chills up her spine. She slowly and carefully opened the first door and stuck her head inside, shining her phone towards the bottom of the closet. As she leaned in more the closet door blew open, leaving Sarahs face pale as a ghost. She shut it quickly and shuffled down the hallway to the next door. She opened it swiftly and shined her phone inside. It wasnt a closet, it was a laundry shaft. She held onto the molding of the door and stuck her head inside. She shined the light towards the laundry shaft but it was too dark to see any farther than a foot from the top. The shaft was pretty compact, but big enough for a person to fit in it. Big enough for a person to hide in, where no one would find them. She cringed at the thought.