Wednesday, October 19, 2011

[F] Own up

I hate that not a lot of people like to confront people. Or just tell people things straight up. If you're arguing about something, or something isn't working, you need to tell them your feelings instead of bottleing them up inside. I hate when people say "I dont like to cry. It shows that I'm weak" That's complete bullshit. Honestly, dont ever say that to me. You should never keep your feelings inside. That's a terrible way to deal with your problems. One should never think that crying is a sign of weakness or failure. Or not even crying. Just expressing how you feel. I hate when I tell someone about how I'm feeling and I get nothing back. Conversations go two ways. It would be nice to know how the other person's feeling. It would benefit the whole cause.

If you dont want to talk about something, it's not going to fix anything. It could even make it worse. You need to have communication with someone. Either if it's friendship or a relationship. Communication is key to having a successful relationship with anyone. Dont just expect things to fix itself over time. That rarely happens. And why would you even want to do that in the first place. Why would you want to sit back and watch something happen, not knowing the outcome. Always take things into your own hands. Dont expect things to be handed to you. This is the real fucking world. Deal with things in a mature way.

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