Thursday, October 13, 2011

[RE] Something new

People always change and while they are changing they become something new. So who knows what can happen in one year. We meet new people, we experience new things and we just go on with our life.
This quote from Luki's blog really stood out to me and gave me chills because this is so true.

People will always change. If it's really know, or even if its so gradually you dont really notice it. Even if you dont want to change, or dont want someone else to change. Change is inevitable. Nothing will ever be the same. No one will ever be the same. Maybe very close like it, but never the same. When someone changes, they become something new. Sometimes even something they swore they'd never become. You may change into something you never wanted for yourself. Sometimes you just cant help it. You just need to let it happen.

Sometimes I wish change wasn't so important in life. Sometimes I wish things and people would just stay the same, so our feelings would always stay constant. But what challenge would that be? So many different  things could happen in a year. Maybe something truly devastating, or something that's made you completely happy. In a year I, myself have changed. The people in it have changed. My surroundings have changed. Everything has. I've met people that I didn't think would ever been as important as they are to me now. I've lost a lot of friends in the process of being in a long relationship, but they were never really close friends if they left, were they?

A lot of people think of change as a bad thing. But I promise you, sometimes it's not. Sometimes it brings you so much joy and happiness. I wish that for you all.

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