Wednesday, October 19, 2011

[RE] Being remembered

I was reading through blogs and I can definitely understand what Frank is saying.
Being remembered. Has anyone ever wondered what people will say when theyare gone? I know that I have wondered if i have lived my life so far in a waythat has impacted others lives in a good way.
 I always want to be remembered. I want to have an impact on those around me. What would happen if you just dropped off the face of the earth? Have you thought about that? Would you leave in a good positive way, or would people be thankful that you're gone. I want to always leave with a positive note. On anything that I choose to do. And it's not even just about death. If you lose a friend, what would someone say once you're out of their lives. Would they say good things about you or tell things that are unappealing to hear. They may even make up things about you to sound like a lower person.

This is also the case for relationships. Have you ever wondered what the other would say if you break up? What they'll talk about you to others who question. Would they say nasty things about you or look on the positive side of things. I never want to leave someone and have negative impact on them. Either in a relationship, or friendship. I dont want to leave a relationship with hatred and negativity. I dont want them to say bad things about me when I'm gone. I want to have a positive impact on them. Even when I'm gone, I want to know that I made a difference in their lives. I want to know that I'm making a difference.

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